the namesake
i finally got to see the new pornographers. it's as though most of my life the past few years has been lived for this moment. they came my way finally and 2 weekends ago i took myself to the crystal ballroom to wait with nearly-choking anticipation for those guys to hit the stage.
they finally did. and ohmygodohmygod they were amazing. in fact, i'm not quite sure that phrase does them justice. they were ON throughout the set (plus encore) after lavender diamond (whom i also ADORE.) they played and played and played. i danced around for what seemed like forever.
and the best part of the night came when they finally played 'the bleeding heart show.' this is why the post is properly titled: the namesake. this song took me through some confusing moments, some really hard moments and the best days of my life. i've cried along with the song, screamed the lyrics in my car and silently stared at a wall while neko wails into ears with her "you have arrived too late to play the bleeding heart show." this song (along with the whole of TNP's catalogue) accompanied me in many moments between the elliptical machine and the road to Portland.
that's really all i can say for them right now. i floated away through the end of the set and into the encore. here's the set list and a blurry peek at neko case:
1. All The Things that go to make heaven & earth
2. Use It
3. The Jessica Numbers
4. Myriad Harbour
5. Jackie Dressed in Cobras
6. Challengers
7. Laws Have Changed
8. Entering White Cecilia
9. Mass Romantic
10. Unguided
11. Twin Cinema
12. My Rights Versus Yours
13. Mutiny I Promise You
14. Go Places
15. Sing Me Spanish Techno
16. The Bleeding Heart Show
1. Testament in Youth in Verse
2. Miss Teen Wordpower
3. Letter From An Occupant